'Sin' Tagged Posts
The Effects of Sin
“Sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.” This adage is true wherever and in whomever sin may found, be it an individual, a family, a nation, or the church. In considering sin’s effect on the individual, family, and nation, I can think of no better example than that of the life of David. The best known of David’s downfalls begins…
Have You Thought Enough About Sin?
I listened to her sob over the phone, “This isn’t supposed to be happening to me—I’m a Christian wife and mother!” The very sound of her voice made my heart feel like lead. For months she had been involved in an affair with a man she had met at work. A friendly chat had evolved into dinner, then intimacy. Now her adultery had been exposed. She was pregnant with her lover’s baby and could no longer hide her burgeoning figure.…