Sermons by Todd Clippard (Page 85)
Will You Rise and Run to Jesus?
The Master He is Master over sickness and disease – Matthew 8:1-17 He is Master over land and sea – Matthew 8:23-27 He is Master over Satan and his minions – Matthew 8:28-34 He is Master over Death – Matthew 9:18-26 As Master, He is worthy of our worship: John 11:32 Matthew 2:11 Matthew 14:23 Revelation 5:8-14 The Master has Come John 8:38 – to do the Father’s will Luke 19:10 – to seek and to save the lost Matthew…
If I Could Tell You Something About Jesus
I’d tell you . . . Jesus LOVES You!!! John 15:12-13 Romans 5:6-8 Galatians 2:20 Jesus never SINNED John 1:29; Isaiah 53:9 1 Peter 2:21-22 2 Corinthians 5:21 Jesus DIED for YOU Isaiah 53:4-11 1 John 2:1-2 Jesus is RISEN from the dead Matthew 28:5-6 (cf Mark 16:6) Luke 24:45-48 There is no other plausible explanation for the empty tomb. 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 – this is the heart of the GOSPEL If there is no resurrection, there is no good…
The Home, The Church, and Civil Government
Introduction: God-Given Institutions and Their Relationships 1. When God created the world, He created three kinds of living beings: plants, animals and man, with man the apex of Creation (Psalm 8). 2. From Creation, man has enjoyed a symbiosis with both the plant and animal kingdom. However, his necessary ties to plants far exceed his ties to animals. a. Man (and all animals for that matter) was created as a vegetarian. Today, there remains a necessary relationship between the two.…