Sermons on The Church (Page 11)

Sermons on The Church (Page 11)

Why the Church? I Love Thy Kingdom Lord

An Overview of Ephesians Introduction: American society’s general view of religion is at an all-time low. There are a number of contributing factors to this problem: Increased secularization of formal education (denial of God, embracing of atheism/evolution). Decreased belief or interest in objective (absolute & unchanging) truth. Existentialism – What is true for me may not be true for you. Belief in objective truth is confused with being close-minded. Consumerism in religion. We are reaping the fruit of the “have…

The Home, The Church, and Civil Government

Introduction: God-Given Institutions and Their Relationships 1. When God created the world, He created three kinds of living beings: plants, animals and man, with man the apex of Creation (Psalm 8). 2. From Creation, man has enjoyed a symbiosis with both the plant and animal kingdom. However, his necessary ties to plants far exceed his ties to animals. a. Man (and all animals for that matter) was created as a vegetarian. Today, there remains a necessary relationship between the two.…